Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why do we homeschool?

I think every homeschooling family has to ask themselves this question at some point.
And, the answer may change from year to year. And that's ok.
I bet every homeschooling family gets asked this question....and sometimes maybe even in a rude, condesending tone.
For the last year or so we have seriously considered this as an educational option for our boys and began asking ourselves why we would want to do this. Of course it's easier to send them off to school for 7 hours a day....or is it?
We homeschool for a variety of reasons and are there days that I shake my head and think to myself  "I give up --- why am I am doing this?" or ask God why He led us to this journey- YES! Then I remember our journey in public school and I remember the prayers I said and the feeling of peace I had when we finally decided this was the right path for us.
We homeschool because, first and foremost, this is what we feel God has led us to do. The idea of homeschooling was brought to our attention before we ever had kids and the concept was interesting. Then, as the years went by and our oldest began kindergarten the concept became more interesting and began to appear on our radar more and more. By the middle of his 1st grade year, we made our decision and felt good about it.
We homeschool because I don't want someone else being with my kids for 7 hours a day. That turns into tens of thousands of hours over the course of their school career. I have been with my boys since day 1. I taught them how to eat with utensils, how to brush their teeth, how to say their ABCs, and taught Wyatt how to ride a bike, tie his shoes and write his name. I could go on and on. Homeschooling is nothing more than an extension of parenting.
We homeschool because I like to know what they are and are NOT learning. Nothing made me more angry when our oldest was in school than for him to come home and not understand how to do something and me have NO idea how to help him because I didn't know how it was being taught in the first place................OR for things to seem to be fine until report cards came home and then I find out that he's been having trouble with XYZ.
By my teaching him, I see what he's learning. I know immediately if he understands and if he doesn't, we spend more time on it because I don't have 20+ more kids that I have to deal with.

We homeschool because while some people are certain that public school is the only and best way for kids to be 'socialized', we don't agree. I'm not sure how putting 20+ same age kids in a classroom, clammering for 1 teachers attention is really socializing. We are raising our kids to be adults. With homeschool they get to socialize with all sorts of people or all ages. Do we sit inside our house every single day all day long? No way! We go to meetings and get togethers with our homeschool group, we go to the park and on nature walks, we go to museums and to various stores etc.
 These are all places to learn.

We homeschool because we were given these 2 boys to raise, nurture and teach.
I find its hard to do those things when we are not together.

Now, all of this being said, do I know that we'll homeschool in 8 years or even in 2 years? No.
We will take it 1 year at a time and pray about it along the way.
There may come a time that we don't feel this is right for our family and then
we'll research other options. Does this mean that everyday I have it all together and feel 100% great about it? No. Somedays I wonder if I'm doing a good enough job. Afterall, I'm pretty sure that I'm more strict on my kids than a teacher would be. ;0) day at a time the adventure continues. :)


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