Friday, September 2, 2011

Week 1 under our belts

We successfully completed the first week of homeschool and there were no fatalities or serious implications. That's not to say there wasn't some frustration as times. Such is life.

I'm finding out that I'll have to tweak somethings as the year progresses. For example, our school day seems to go better when I insert a 20 minute break in the middle that I didn't originally intend on having --- a time for free play and a time for me to throw in a load of laundry, call a client back, read to the boys or all of the above. Another thing I may change is our history lessons. Right now the lessons are about the Middle Ages....Rome, The Celts, etc. That neat and enjoyable but also some of it seems a little....ummm....boring. (especially for a 7 year old) So, I found another history program that is geared more towards a visual learner where not only will we HEAR about history but Wyatt gets to DRAW things that happened. Sounds FUN! Part of the greatness of this is that I have the flexibility to be able to change things as we go.

The biggest challenge so far is homeschooling with a toddler in the house. After asking some of my fellow homeschool moms, I'm not alone here. This is apparently the #1 challenge for homeschoolers. I feel like I need to help Wyatt with his schoolwork (reading directions, reading chapters, dictating spelling words etc) and I don't have the freedom to devote to Jonah - age 2. And, because he's 2, the thought of him sitting still and playing or coloring for more than 10 minutes is unrealistic. I'm finding a balance and activities that he can do and soon, this kink will be worked out. I hope. :0)

The biggest joy is seeing Wyatt's face literally LIGHT UP when he learns something! Today during spelling he was struggling with word and then it clicked and he was SO proud...........I was too! Of course then he automatically played it off like it was no big deal but I knew. A mom always knows. ;0) I am SO happy to get to learn alongside him and see him learn. That must be the biggest benefit and it makes all the work, planning & frustration worth it.

Happy Labor Day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! It sounds great to me!!! Keep up the good work and keep the updates posted.
